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Merck doubles down on Skyhawk’s tech to drug RNA, promising $600M per autoimmune, metabolic target

Amber Tong – Senior Editor


Ear­ly col­lab­o­ra­tions with big-name part­ners lent Sky­hawk Ther­a­peu­tics both the en­dorse­ments and the cap­i­tal to pur­sue a small mol­e­cule plat­form for drug­ging RNA. And they soon want­ed more. When Mer­ck signed on to dis­cov­er can­di­dates against neu­rode­gen­er­a­tion and can­cer last Ju­ly, Bio­gen was just ex­pand­ing the list of neu­ro tar­gets they want to go af­ter.


Now Mer­ck is com­ing back for its own round two, adding au­toim­mune and meta­bol­ic dis­eases to the menu.


As in the orig­i­nal deal, the phar­ma gi­ant isn’t break­ing down the up­front, stick­ing to the $600 mil­lion per pro­gram fig­ure to il­lus­trate their in­ter­est here. Li­cens­es to any IP aris­ing from the col­lab­o­ra­tion goes to Mer­ck, which would take over de­vel­op­ment once it ex­er­cis­es an op­tion.


At the core of Sky­hawk’s plat­form is RNA splic­ing mod­i­fi­ca­tion — a way to coax dys­func­tion­al genes in­to pro­duc­ing func­tion­al pro­teins with­out al­ter­ing them per­ma­nent­ly. Kath­leen Mc­Carthy, its co-founder and CSO, was part of a team that hit on their phe­nom­e­non by re­verse en­gi­neer­ing how ris­diplam, an SMA drug now shep­herd­ed by Roche and PTC Ther­a­peu­tics, worked.


The ap­proach of­fers a han­dle on un­drug­gable tar­gets, said Dean Li, SVP of dis­cov­ery sci­ences and trans­la­tion­al med­i­cine at Mer­ck Re­search Lab­o­ra­to­ries.


Bill Haney, the an­gel in­vestor and CEO, bet that it could ap­ply broad­ly be­yond rare dis­eases. Mul­ti­ple drug de­vel­op­ers have since chimed in over $300 mil­lion up­front to match the $8 mil­lion seed round he ini­tial­ly put to­geth­er with some un­con­ven­tion­al back­ers.


“Mer­ck has been a won­der­ful part­ner in dis­cov­er­ing nov­el drug can­di­dates for neu­ro­log­i­cal dis­eases and can­cer,” Haney said in a state­ment.


Oth­er biotechs have sprung up in the RNA mod­u­la­tion space, in­clud­ing Ri­bometrix, which counts Mer­ck as an in­vestor, as well as Ar­rakis, where Michael Gilman has stuck to a more mea­sured ap­proach on the BD front.

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Maura McCarthy


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